Microscale estimation of admixture timing
... and an example stochastic process for estimating it … poorly.
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Why admixture timing?

Genetic data can provide estimates of the timing of mating between populations.

Macroscale vs microscale

Macroscale Microscale
stream of wine
entering glass
drops of
diluted wine
mating &

Why microscale?

  1. Convergent lines of evidence (consilience) are impacted by the same microscale events of past mating
    (e.g. genetic evidence & distinctive archaeological cultures in nearby settlements).
  2. Assortative mating is common in diverse human populations and not modeled by only population migration.

Microscale quantity to estimate

average lineal admixture time

Why lineal admixture time?

  1. quantity grounded in realistic model
  2. can estimate higher moments of time distribution
  3. can estimate fine-grained conditional distributions (e.g. per chromosome)
lineal admixture time the amount of time since fertilization of the first admixed individual in a lineage
lineage single path of descent in the genealogy of an individual
average lineal admixture time average across all lineages of all individuals in a population
For more details, visit castedo.com/doc/151.

Two scenarios with single pulse of 7 immigrants of red ancestry

Fast admixture
with disassortative mating
Slow admixture
with assortative mating
Distribution of
lineal admixture times
across 32 lineages

Simple estimator


  • frequency αi of alleles from the i-th ancestral group, and
  • frequency β of diploid loci with dual ancestry,
estimate average lineal admixture time as 1ϕϕ(1Σixi2) where xi=114ϕ(1ϕ)αi2(1ϕ) When there are only two ancestral source populations: ϕ=1β2α0(1α0)

Learn more at castedo.com/doc/154.

Stochastic process of simple estimator

This simple estimator is precisely the expected lineal admixture time under a stochastic process with the following assumptions:

  • discrete time steps
  • infinite population
  • proportion αi of immigrants from i-th ancestral group
  • fraction ϕ of population is new non-admixed immigrants
  • random mating (excluding new immigrants)
  • stationary process

The underlying random object of this stochastic process is formally defined as a gametic lineage.

For more details, visit castedo.com/doc/153.


Special thanks to Hannah Moots and Benjamin Peter for constructive feedback on castedo.com/doc/151 about lineal admixture time and Steven Orzack for mentorship.

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Glimpse of estimator derivation

Setup similar to first step analysis: Et+1[M]=(Et[M|M>0]+1)Pt{M>0}2(1ϕ)+2(12Et[M|M>0]+1)Pt{M>0}Pt{M=0}(1ϕ)+(Pt{M=0}2iPt{M=0A=ei}2)(1ϕ) Probability of lineal admixture time of zero: Pt+1{M=0A=ei}=ϕαi+(1ϕ)Pt{M=0A=ei}2

For more details, visit castedo.com/doc/154.